Monday, March 22, 2010


So today I met to go over Avery's recent annual evaluation results. Not exactly a new experience as I am pretty seasoned in this area. The funny thing though is that it never gets easier to see how "behind" your child is compared to their same aged peers. Yes, I know, they are only numbers and it is only a snapshot in time of what a child can really do...blah, blah, blah, I have spewed this same speech to many families throughout my career (talk about life coming full circle).  Of course it is true, those tests are nothing more than a gauge to mark progress and are truly not representative of what my she can actually do, but it is hard to see it on paper.  I just try to focus on the progress made regardless of how it compares to others and on that note GO AVERY! You are doing amazing!  

1 comment:

  1. So true. My oldest has a learning disability and we've had to listen to how behind she is compared to her peers her entire school career. It can easily get depressing if you don't celebrate the progress she HAS made. Go Avery!!
